El Hotel Aguere se encuentra en una de las principales calles de la ciudad llamada calle la Carrera con una amplia variedad de comercios y tascas, tiene un buen equipamiento de sus habitaciones,además de ofrecer a los clientes una sala de conferencias, de exposiciones y una sala con conexión a Internet, presentando además una zona Wifi en todo el Vestíbulo y está dirigido a un público residente y no residente adulto de entre 31 y 65 años de edad con solvencia económica y un nivel formativo alto. Este Hotel fue residencia del Obispo Don Luis Folgueras, y Colegio Mayor del Instituto de Canarias.Desde mi punto de vista creo que es de gran importancia transformar los edificios de gran interés hitórico que posee una ciudad como la Laguna para transformarlos en recursos de tipo turístico como hoteles y museos.
Marqueses de Torrehermosa´s house (today known as Aguere Hotel)
The Aguere Hotel is located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city called “La Carrera road” which has got a huge variety of shops and taverns. This hotel has got well-equipped rooms and it offers to the guests a room conference, a room with internet access and an exhibition room, moreover it presents a Wifi area. The target market of this Hotel are resident and non-resident people between thirty-one and sixty-one years of age which economic solvency and a high formation. This Hotel was the residence of the bishop Mr Luis Folgueras and the house of Canaries high school. In my opinion I think that is very important to convert the buildings which has got the city of La Laguna with a notable historic interest and convert them in tourist resources as Hotels or museums for example.
The Aguere Hotel is located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city called “La Carrera road” which has got a huge variety of shops and taverns. This hotel has got well-equipped rooms and it offers to the guests a room conference, a room with internet access and an exhibition room, moreover it presents a Wifi area. The target market of this Hotel are resident and non-resident people between thirty-one and sixty-one years of age which economic solvency and a high formation. This Hotel was the residence of the bishop Mr Luis Folgueras and the house of Canaries high school. In my opinion I think that is very important to convert the buildings which has got the city of La Laguna with a notable historic interest and convert them in tourist resources as Hotels or museums for example.
página web: http://www.hotelaguere.es/
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