miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009
Los objetivos de mi blog se basaran en dos recursos importantes de la isla de Tenerife los cuales son la ciudad de La Laguna y el parque nacional de las Cañadas del Teide los cuales fueron declarados patrimonio de la humanidad en el año 1999 y 2007 respectivamente.La primera parte de mi blog hablará sobre la ciudad de la Laguna y dentro de ella se destacarán algunos de sus recursos como por ejemplo algunas construcciones arquitectónicas importantes y algunos comercios y tascas de la ciudad.La segunda parte de mi blog hablará sobre el Patrimonio mundial de la Humanidad del Parque Nacional de las Cañadas del Teide en el cual serán destacados algunos de sus recursos como por ejemplo especies endémicas.
The objectives of my Blog will be based in two important resources of Tenerife which are the city of La Laguna and “Las Cañadas del Teide National Park”which were declared Human Heritage in 1999 and 2007 respectively.The first section will speak about The City of La Laguna and will be pointed out some of its resources as for example some important architectural buildings and some shops and taverns of the city.The second section will speak about The world Human Heritage “Las Cañadas del Teide National Park” in which will be pointed out some of its resources as for example the endemic species.
La Laguna, bien cultural patrimonio de la humanidad

Uno de los apartados a los que dedico mi blog es a la ciudad de La Laguna la cual fue nombrada como Patrimonio de la humanidad en el año 1999. Dentro de ella he analizado varios recursos como han sido algunos comercios, entre ellos tiendas y tascas, le he dado un gran énfasis a estas últimas de las cuales he escogido 11 que me han parecido más importante por el trato del personal y por la calidad de los platos. Por otro lado he analizado edificios con un gran valor histórico uno de estos está incluido en la zona de Patrimonio de la humanidad de la ciudad se trata del Hotel Aguere y otro monumento arquitectónico que no está dentro de la zona de patrimonio de la Humanidad pero la he incluido porque presenta elementos arquitectónicos que deberían de tomarse en cuenta a la hora de considerarlo como un recurso importante más dentro de la ciudad.
La Laguna, cultural heritage:
One of the section that I speak in this blog is The city of La Laguna which was declared as Human Heritage in the year 1999. I have analysed some resources of these city as for example some stores as shops and taverns, I have emphasized the taverns and I have decided to take a total number of 12 taverns which I have considered as the most important thank to the treatment of the employees and for the quality of the dishes. On the other hand I have analysed some buildings with an important historic value, one of them is included in the area of Human Heritage of the city , this is Aguere Hotel and other architectural monument which is not in the area of Human Heritage but I have included it because it presents architectural elements that do this building can be an important resource inside of the city.
Edificio con un valor arquitéctonico(Calle San Agustín)

He destacado un edificio situado en la Calle San Agustín n.55 He destacado como elementos principales que hacen del edificio un recurso arquitéctonico importante estos elementos son los adornos de la fachada y de la ventana central. Su valor no se sabe puesto que su edad es desconocida. Desde mi punto de vista nos encontramos con un problema el cual debería de ser solucionado, porque este edificio podría tener una historia de gran importancia e incluso haber sido la residencia de gente muy importante y sin embargo no hay información acerca de él. Pienso que el Ayuntamiento debería de aprovechar estos edificios que poseen importantes recursos para intentar que su historia no desparezca, un método para esto podría ser convertirlos en hoteles o museos.
A building with a huge architectural value (San Agustín road).
I have emphasized a building which is localised in a road of la Laguna called “San Agustín”. I have emphasized the main elements that do the building can be an important architectural resource .These elements are the ornaments of the central facade and the central window. Their value is known because their age is known too. From my point of view we could find with a problem which must be resolved because this building could have an important history and it could have been the residence of some important people and it does exist some information about it. I think that the council must make the most of these buildings that have got important resources to try their history does not disappear and method could be convert them in hotels or museums.
Casa de los Marqueses de Torrehermosa(Actual Hotel Aguere)

El Hotel Aguere se encuentra en una de las principales calles de la ciudad llamada calle la Carrera con una amplia variedad de comercios y tascas, tiene un buen equipamiento de sus habitaciones,además de ofrecer a los clientes una sala de conferencias, de exposiciones y una sala con conexión a Internet, presentando además una zona Wifi en todo el Vestíbulo y está dirigido a un público residente y no residente adulto de entre 31 y 65 años de edad con solvencia económica y un nivel formativo alto. Este Hotel fue residencia del Obispo Don Luis Folgueras, y Colegio Mayor del Instituto de Canarias.Desde mi punto de vista creo que es de gran importancia transformar los edificios de gran interés hitórico que posee una ciudad como la Laguna para transformarlos en recursos de tipo turístico como hoteles y museos.
Marqueses de Torrehermosa´s house (today known as Aguere Hotel)
The Aguere Hotel is located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city called “La Carrera road” which has got a huge variety of shops and taverns. This hotel has got well-equipped rooms and it offers to the guests a room conference, a room with internet access and an exhibition room, moreover it presents a Wifi area. The target market of this Hotel are resident and non-resident people between thirty-one and sixty-one years of age which economic solvency and a high formation. This Hotel was the residence of the bishop Mr Luis Folgueras and the house of Canaries high school. In my opinion I think that is very important to convert the buildings which has got the city of La Laguna with a notable historic interest and convert them in tourist resources as Hotels or museums for example.
The Aguere Hotel is located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city called “La Carrera road” which has got a huge variety of shops and taverns. This hotel has got well-equipped rooms and it offers to the guests a room conference, a room with internet access and an exhibition room, moreover it presents a Wifi area. The target market of this Hotel are resident and non-resident people between thirty-one and sixty-one years of age which economic solvency and a high formation. This Hotel was the residence of the bishop Mr Luis Folgueras and the house of Canaries high school. In my opinion I think that is very important to convert the buildings which has got the city of La Laguna with a notable historic interest and convert them in tourist resources as Hotels or museums for example.
página web: http://www.hotelaguere.es/
Comercios de La Laguna

Otro de los recursos que he analizado son los comercios de la Laguna, entre estos he analizado tres llamados Calzados Regia, Magenta y Canary Phone, todas ellas estan situadas en la calle la Carrera. Como he podido observar que cada uno de estos oferta un tipo de producto diferente como puede ser zapatos como Calzados Regia, Ropa como Magenta y aparatos electrónicos como por ejemplo móviles en Canary Phone,todos estos comercios tienen un uso comercial.Desde mi punto de vista el único valor que podrían poseer es que se encuentran situados en una de las principales calles de la ciudad de La Laguna.Por otra parte ambos se encuentran en una zona bastante accesible con buena visibilidad.El horario de estos comercios es de Lunes a Sábados.Otra cosa con importancia es que en cada una de ellas hay desde1 hasta 2 empleados y todos ellos femeninos. Además he podido observar que el comercio con más consumidores en ese momento era calzados Regia.
The shops of La Laguna:
Other of the resources that I have analysed are the Shops of La Laguna. I have analysed a total of three shops called Shoe Shop Regia, Magenta and Canary phone. All of them are located in a road called “Carrera”. I have observated that each one of them offer a type of different product as for example shoes in the case of Shoe Shop Regia , clothes in the case of Magenta and electronic machines as mobile phone in the case of Canary Phone. All these shops are a commercial use. From my point of view the value that they could have is that are located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city. On the other hand both are situated in a very visible area. The timetable of these shops is from Mondays to Saturdays. Other thing with importance is that in each one of them have one or two employees and all are women. Furthermore I have observated that the shop with more customers in that moment was the shoe shop Regia.
Other of the resources that I have analysed are the Shops of La Laguna. I have analysed a total of three shops called Shoe Shop Regia, Magenta and Canary phone. All of them are located in a road called “Carrera”. I have observated that each one of them offer a type of different product as for example shoes in the case of Shoe Shop Regia , clothes in the case of Magenta and electronic machines as mobile phone in the case of Canary Phone. All these shops are a commercial use. From my point of view the value that they could have is that are located in one of the main roads of La Laguna city. On the other hand both are situated in a very visible area. The timetable of these shops is from Mondays to Saturdays. Other thing with importance is that in each one of them have one or two employees and all are women. Furthermore I have observated that the shop with more customers in that moment was the shoe shop Regia.
Tasca Lagunera

Esta tasca está situada en la Plaza Doctor Regulo n ° 6 y ofrece comida con una muy buena calidad, ofrece una carta de jamones Ibéricos y de vinos con una buena calidad, un ejemplo de esta lista de vinos es Ribera del Duero y La Rioja. Tiene una decoración castellana la cual hace que la tasca tenga un ambiente acogedor . Ofrece un total de 60 tipos de deliciosos platos como por ejemplo solomillos y setas, además esta tasca hace comida para llevar. He observado algunos puntos positivos en esta tasca los cuales son algunos elementos que hacen que esta tasca pueda estar mejor equipada, como por ejemplo el aire acondicionado, además esta tasca tiene los equipamientos necesarios para personas minusválidas. Por otro lado presenta algunos aspectos negativos como otras tascas y uno de estos aspectos negativos es la inexistencia de algún medio promocional como páginas webs donde pueda aparecer información y fotos sobre la tasca.
Lagunera Tavern:
This tavern is located in Doctor Regulo n° 6 Square and it offers food with a good quality, its offers an Iberian Parma Harm list and a wine list with a very good quality, an example of this wine list is Ribera del Duero and Rioja. It has got a Castillian decoration which does the tavern has got a friendly atmosphere . Its offer a total of 60 type of delicious dishes as for example sirloin steak and hedges, moreover this tavern does takeaway food .I have observated some positive points of this tavern which are some elements that do this tavern can be better equipped as for example the air-conditioned, furthermore this tavern has got the necessary equipments for disable people. On the other hand it presents some negative aspects as other taverns and one of these negative aspects is that do not exist some promotional element as web pages where can appear some information and photos about this tavern.
This tavern is located in Doctor Regulo n° 6 Square and it offers food with a good quality, its offers an Iberian Parma Harm list and a wine list with a very good quality, an example of this wine list is Ribera del Duero and Rioja. It has got a Castillian decoration which does the tavern has got a friendly atmosphere . Its offer a total of 60 type of delicious dishes as for example sirloin steak and hedges, moreover this tavern does takeaway food .I have observated some positive points of this tavern which are some elements that do this tavern can be better equipped as for example the air-conditioned, furthermore this tavern has got the necessary equipments for disable people. On the other hand it presents some negative aspects as other taverns and one of these negative aspects is that do not exist some promotional element as web pages where can appear some information and photos about this tavern.
Tasca Mesón el Hornillo

Está tasca se encuentra situada en la Calle Juan de Vera n ° 22, presenta un ambiente muy acogedor junto con un trato familiar y una muy buena calidad precio .Creo que es importante comentar que esta tasca no oferta solo comida canaria y española sino que además ofrece además comida uruguaya, además una buena carta de vinos y esto la hace diferente de las demás. Algunos de sus platos son ensalada griega, empanadilla de carne Uruguaya, y como postre sorbete de limón. Otro de los puntos positivos que he observado es que la tasca tiene una muy buena promoción porque tiene una página web y además un blog donde hay fotos del interior de la tasca, la comida, además de un mapa de su localización. Desde mi punto de vista estos elementos promocionales tienen la información necesaria que el cliente quiere saber.
Mesón el Hornillo Tavern:
This tavern is located in Juan de Vera road n ° 22, it presents a friendly environment together with a familiar contact and a good value for money. I think that is important to comment that this tavern only does not offer food from Spain and Canary islands, and it offers an Uruguayan food, moreover a good wines list and it is an important aspect that do it can be different. Some of its dishes are Greek salad meat pasty with Uruguayan flesh and as dessert it offers a sorbet of lemon. Other positive aspect that I have observated is the good promotion of this tavern because it has got a web page and a blog where there are some photos of the inside of this tavern , the food and map of the location of it. From my point of view these promotional elements have got the necessary information that the customer want to know.
This tavern is located in Juan de Vera road n ° 22, it presents a friendly environment together with a familiar contact and a good value for money. I think that is important to comment that this tavern only does not offer food from Spain and Canary islands, and it offers an Uruguayan food, moreover a good wines list and it is an important aspect that do it can be different. Some of its dishes are Greek salad meat pasty with Uruguayan flesh and as dessert it offers a sorbet of lemon. Other positive aspect that I have observated is the good promotion of this tavern because it has got a web page and a blog where there are some photos of the inside of this tavern , the food and map of the location of it. From my point of view these promotional elements have got the necessary information that the customer want to know.
Tasca Majamón

Esta tasca se encuentra situada en la calle Doctor Pasteur n° 16 y está muy cerca de la Plaza de la Milagrosa. Es una tasca pequeña y su u decoración es anadaluza con bancos en forma de toneles. Uno de los aspectos positivos de la tasca es que ofrece platos de origen andaluz como por ejemplo el salmorejo cordóbez y los caracoles, otro de los aspectos positivos es la buena calidad precio que posee la tasca,además de que está cerca a los lugares de marcha de la zona, además del precio barato de los vinos.Por otra parte he observado varios aspectos negativos que son el poco número de empleados que tiene para tanto trabajo y por otra parte no tiene una página web que la promocione, solo páginas de comentarios donde hay opiniones de gente que la ha visitado.
Majamón tavern:
This tavern is located in Doctor Pasteur road n° 16 and is near of La Milagros square. It is a small tavern and and its decoration is Andalusian with benchs with the shape of barrels. One of the positive aspects of this tavern is that it offers some Andalusian dishes as for example “El Salmorejo Cordóbez” and winkles, other of the positive aspects is the good value for money that it has got and that it is near of the pubs of this area, moreover the low-priced of the wines. On the other hand I have observated some negative aspects as a few number of employees who have got a hard work ,furthermore it has not got a promotional we page, it has got commentaries pages where there are the opinions of people who have visited it.
This tavern is located in Doctor Pasteur road n° 16 and is near of La Milagros square. It is a small tavern and and its decoration is Andalusian with benchs with the shape of barrels. One of the positive aspects of this tavern is that it offers some Andalusian dishes as for example “El Salmorejo Cordóbez” and winkles, other of the positive aspects is the good value for money that it has got and that it is near of the pubs of this area, moreover the low-priced of the wines. On the other hand I have observated some negative aspects as a few number of employees who have got a hard work ,furthermore it has not got a promotional we page, it has got commentaries pages where there are the opinions of people who have visited it.
Tasca El Montadito Loco

Esta tasca está situada en la calle Juan de Vera n ° 53 la cual está cerca de la Plaza del Cristo. La parte de fuera de la tasca parece pequeña ,pero su interior es muy amplio con una gran variedad de salones grandes y pequeños donde la gente puede celebrar reuniones y fiestas. Su nombre está relacionado a su oferta de Montaditos, además ofrece un buen vino de la casa. Algunos de sus platos son; canapés de cangrejos, ensaladilla, y tortilla española. No es muy accesible porque la zona donde está situada puede ser desconocida por la gente que no vive cerca de la Plaza, además es muy difícil encontrar aparcamiento. En mi opinión esta es otro ejemplo de tasca que no es promocionada en las páginas webs y solo hay información de ella en las páginas webs donde hay comentarios de la gente . Pienso que la página debería de tener su propia página de promoción porque de esta manera podría tener competencia con las otras tascas.
El montadito Loco Tavern:
This tavern is located in Juan de Vera road n °53 which is near of El Cristo Square. The image of outside is as a small tavern but its inside is very spacious with a huge variety of big and small rooms where people can celebrate some events and meetings. Its name is related to its offer of “Montaditos”moreover its offers a good house wine. Some of its dishes are canapé of drabs Russian salad and Spanish omelet. It is not very accessible because the area which it is located can be known for some people who do not live near of the Square ,moreover it is very difficult to find a parking. In my opinion this is other example of tavern which is not promoted in the web pages and there is only information of it in the web pages where there is some comments to the people . I think that this tavern must have its own web page of promotion because in this way it could have some competition with the other taverns.
This tavern is located in Juan de Vera road n °53 which is near of El Cristo Square. The image of outside is as a small tavern but its inside is very spacious with a huge variety of big and small rooms where people can celebrate some events and meetings. Its name is related to its offer of “Montaditos”moreover its offers a good house wine. Some of its dishes are canapé of drabs Russian salad and Spanish omelet. It is not very accessible because the area which it is located can be known for some people who do not live near of the Square ,moreover it is very difficult to find a parking. In my opinion this is other example of tavern which is not promoted in the web pages and there is only information of it in the web pages where there is some comments to the people . I think that this tavern must have its own web page of promotion because in this way it could have some competition with the other taverns.
Tasca Viana

Esta tasca está situada en la Calle Viana n° 35 y tiene un horario continuo de Lunes a Sábados y está dirigida a un tipo de público residente jóven entre 17 y 30 años de edad, su calidad precio es muy buena y su ambiente es acogedor con música ambiental. Los platos que oferta son típicos canarios y la decoración que presenta es tipíca de bodega con antigua. Algunos de sus platos son calamares fritos, carne de fiesta, y tiene una variedad de vinos blancos y tintos,uno de sus famosos postres es la tarta de almendras. En mi opinión me ha parecido interesante el saber que esta tasca se dirige a un perfil jóven ,porque todas las anteriores eran para todas las edades , además pienso que uno de sus elementos importantes es la calidad de sus productos y sus buenos precios, creo que esta tasca está bien promocionada porque tiene su página web con sus fotos y explicaciones de los distintos productos , además se ha aprovechado el ser una tasca accesible situada en una calle importante de la ciudad.
Viana Tavern:
This tavern is located in Viana road n° 35 and has got a timetable from Mondays to Saturdays and its target market is a resident public between 17 and 30 years of age, it has got a very good value for money and its environment is friendly with background music. It offers some dishes from the Canary islands, and its decoration is based in an ancient winery. Some of its dishes are squids fried, a typical Spanish pork called “Carne de Fiesta”. In my opinion I think that is very interesting that the target market of this tavern is young people because the another taverns have got a target market with all ages, moreover I think that one of its important elements is the quality of the products and the prices, I think that this tavern is good promoted because it has got its web page with its photos and some information about the products. Finally is very accessible.
Tasca dos y una

Esta tasca está situada en la calle Viana y tiene algunos elementos positivos como la amabilidad de los empleados y la buena calidad de la comida tipica de las islas Canarias, además tiene una buena calidad precio. Por otro lado la gente puede acceder a ella fácilmente. Sin embargo presenta algunos aspectos negativos porque no tiene una página web oficial donde hay información sobre ella , además la página web donde he encontrado la información es de comentarios sobre gente que la ha visitado, y en esta página no hay fotos de la tasca ni de los platos que ofrece. Además la información que está en esta página es poca y no da una idea de la tasca. Desde mi punto de vista esta tasca debería de tener más promoción porque esta zona es muy accesible y la tasca tiene buenos comentarios sobre la calidad de la comida y del servicio.
Dos y una Tavern:
Tasca el Maestro

Esta Tasca esta situada in la Calle Viana y fue galardonada con el primer premio de cocina de la ciudad de la Laguna en el año 2005. Uno de los platos principales de esta tasca es la ensalada de bacalao, además es especialista en algunos platos como por ejemplo “Pimientos de Piquillo” y Bacalao con tomates. La decoración rústica de esta tasca junto con la amabilidad de los empleados hace que los clientes se sientan en un ambiente familiar. Por otro lado esta tasca es muy accesible puesto que esta situada en el casco histórico de la ciudad de “San Cristobal de la Laguna”.
El Maestro tavern:
This tavern is located in the road called Viana and it was prizewinner with the first prize of cuisine of La Laguna city in 2005. One of the main dish of this tavern is the codfish salad moreover it is specialist in some dishes as for example “Piquillo´s peppers and codfish with tomatoes. The rustic decoration of this tavern together the kindness of the employees does that customers feel a familiar environment. On the other hand it is very accessible because it is located in the historic quarter of the city of “San Cristobal de La Laguna”
This tavern is located in the road called Viana and it was prizewinner with the first prize of cuisine of La Laguna city in 2005. One of the main dish of this tavern is the codfish salad moreover it is specialist in some dishes as for example “Piquillo´s peppers and codfish with tomatoes. The rustic decoration of this tavern together the kindness of the employees does that customers feel a familiar environment. On the other hand it is very accessible because it is located in the historic quarter of the city of “San Cristobal de La Laguna”
Tasca La Sacristía

Esta tasca se encuentra situada en la Calle Bencomo n ° 16. No tuve la posibilidad de ver el interior de esta tasca , pero su fachada está en malas condiciones, un ejemplo de esto es el letrero donde está escrito el nombre de la tasca el cual está roto y de esta manera es imposible observar su origen de tasca . Por otro lado no hay información sobre esta tasca ,además no tiene fotos donde los turistas puedan ver los platos que oferta ni un horario en la puerta. Pienso que las tascas destacan la ciudad de La Laguna ,además son tan importantes como los restaurantes y las tiendas, por esta razón todas estas tascas podrían tener información , pero esto es solo posible con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de esta ciudad.
La Sacristía Tavern:
This tavern is located in Bencomo road n° 26. I could not see the inside of this tavern but its facade was in bad conditions, an example of this is the sing where is written the name of this which is broken and it is impossible to appreciate its origin of tavern. On the other hand there is not some information about this tavern. Moreover it has got not some photographs where tourists can observe the main dishes that it offers, and a timetable in its door. I think that the taverns emphasized the city of La Laguna , moreover they are so important as the restaurants and the shops, for this reason all of these taverns could have some information but this is only possible with the collaboration of the Council of this City.
This tavern is located in Bencomo road n° 26. I could not see the inside of this tavern but its facade was in bad conditions, an example of this is the sing where is written the name of this which is broken and it is impossible to appreciate its origin of tavern. On the other hand there is not some information about this tavern. Moreover it has got not some photographs where tourists can observe the main dishes that it offers, and a timetable in its door. I think that the taverns emphasized the city of La Laguna , moreover they are so important as the restaurants and the shops, for this reason all of these taverns could have some information but this is only possible with the collaboration of the Council of this City.
Tasca El Obispado

Esta tasca está situada en la calle “Herradores y esta obtuvo el tercer premio de cocina de la ciudad de la Laguna en el año 2005. Esta tasca tiene dos plantas, la decoración en la primera planta está caracterizada por un ambiente de tasca con una barra y algunas butacas y además esta tiene algunas mesas con sillas las cuales muestran una imagen de restaurante. La decoración en la segunda planta tiene una imágen de iglesia y pienso que esto es debido a que se quiere destacar el nombre de la tasca. Uno de sus más importantes platos es la ensalada de pavo con almendras y manzanas. Uno de los puntos positivos de la tasca es que en ella pueden realizarse algunas celebraciones como comuniones además esta se encuentra situada en una de las calles más importantes de la Laguna donde hay una gran variedad de tiendas. Actualmente esta tasca está cerrada puesto que está siendo reformada.
El Obispado Tavern:
This tavern is located in the “Herradores” road and it obtained the third prize of cuisine of La Laguna city in 2005. This tavern has got two floors ,the decoration in the first floor is characterized by an environment of Tavern with a bar with some stools and moreover it has got some tables with chairs that show an image of restaurant. The decoration of the second floor has got an image of church and in my opinion this is produced because the decoration wants to emphasize the name of the tavern. One of its most important dishes is the salad of peacock with almonds and apples. I have observated an important point, in this tavern people can celebrate some important events as for example communions and moreover it is located in one of the most important roads of La Laguna, where there are a huge variety of shops. At present this tavern is closed because it is been redesigned.
Tasca Patio Canario

Otra de las Tascas que he analizado ha sido La Tasca Patio Canario, esta oferta una gran variedad de vinos, tortillas y revueltos,pescados, y algunos postres como el Bienmesabe o la tarta Principe Alberto.Los precios de carnes y vinos son muy elevados . El servicio era atento aunque no tanto como el de la tasca la carpintería, además había menos clientela, aunque te atendían con la mayor rápidez posible.La decoración era más de tasca, las mesas eran en forma de barril, esta tasca tenía también cuadros firmados por personajes famosos .Pienso que la tasca Patio Canario y la Tasca la Carpintería son dos ejemplos de negocios que han sido montados sobre las casas más antiguas y más importantes de la ciudad de la Laguna, y esto debería de ser valorado y el ayuntamiento debe evitar que estas casas puedan ser dañadas.
Patio Canario Tavern
The other Tavern that I analysed has been Patio Canario Tavern, this tavern offers a huge variety of wines, omelettes, vegetables sautéed with eggs, fishes and some desserts as for example a typical Canary dessert called “Bienmesabe” or a cake called “Principe Alberto”. The service was attentive although the service of La Carpintería Tavern was more attentive with us, moreover in this tavern had less customers but they attended us very fast. Concerning to the decoration, it was a Tavern decoration, the tables had the shape of barrils. Furthermore it was some pictures signed by some famous people. I think that La Carpintería tavern and Patio Canario Tavern are two examples of business which had been built on the oldest and most important houses of La Laguna and this thing must be valued and the council must avoid that they could be damaged.
The other Tavern that I analysed has been Patio Canario Tavern, this tavern offers a huge variety of wines, omelettes, vegetables sautéed with eggs, fishes and some desserts as for example a typical Canary dessert called “Bienmesabe” or a cake called “Principe Alberto”. The service was attentive although the service of La Carpintería Tavern was more attentive with us, moreover in this tavern had less customers but they attended us very fast. Concerning to the decoration, it was a Tavern decoration, the tables had the shape of barrils. Furthermore it was some pictures signed by some famous people. I think that La Carpintería tavern and Patio Canario Tavern are two examples of business which had been built on the oldest and most important houses of La Laguna and this thing must be valued and the council must avoid that they could be damaged.
Tasca La Carpintería

Hace unos días he pasado por una de las Tascas de la Laguna se trata de la Tasca la Carpintería en la cual he podido observar que la variedad de platos es alta , tuve la suerte de probar algunos platos como por ejemplo, pimientos, tortilla a la gallega y setas, sin duda el ambiente de la tasca era de buena calidad muy bien decorado,pude comprobar que en las paredes habían algunas fotos firmadas de personajes famosos que habían estado por alli.
La Carpintería Tavern
The last week I went to La Carpintería Tavern and I could observe that the variety of dishes in this tavern was high, moreover I had luck to eat some dishes as for example red and green peppers , Galician omelet and mushrooms. I have to say that the atmosphere of this tavern had a very good quality and it was very good decorated. On the other hand I could t check that the walls were decorated with some photos which had the signatures of some famous people who had eaten there.
The last week I went to La Carpintería Tavern and I could observe that the variety of dishes in this tavern was high, moreover I had luck to eat some dishes as for example red and green peppers , Galician omelet and mushrooms. I have to say that the atmosphere of this tavern had a very good quality and it was very good decorated. On the other hand I could t check that the walls were decorated with some photos which had the signatures of some famous people who had eaten there.
página web: http://www.larutadelbuenyantar.com/carpinteria.html
Parque Nacional de Las Cañadas del Teide

Mi blog también va dirigido a otro recurso de gran importancia como es el Parque Nacional de las cañadas del Teide. Desde siempre Tenerife se ha caracterizado por este recurso de gran importancia, dentro del estudio del Teide he añadido otros recursos como pueden ser El refugio del Teide, una de las especies endémicas más importantes de Canarias como es el Alhelí del Teide, la tercera montaña más alta de Canarias “Montaña de Guajara” las minas de San José con su espectacular paisaje entre otros.
Las Cañadas del Teide National Park
In my blog Hill be explained other important resource called El Teide which was declared World Heritage in 2010 by UNESCO .Forever Tenerife has been characterized by this resource. In the study of this volcano, I have added other resources as for example “The Refuge of el Teide” one of the most important endemic species of the Canaries known as the “Wallflower of El Teide”moreover the third highest mountain of the Canaries called “Guajara´s mountain” “The mines of San José” characterized by its spectacular landscape and others.
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
El Teide

El Teide:
Mi blog también va dirigido a otro recurso de gran importancia como es El Teide. Desde siempre Tenerife se ha caracterizado por este recurso de gran importancia, dentro del estudio del Teide he añadido otros recursos como pueden ser El refugio del Teide, una de las especies endémicas más importantes de Canarias como es el Alhelí del Teide, la tercera montaña más alta de Canarias “Montaña de Guajara” las minas de San José con su espectacular paisaje entre otros.
El Teide :
In my blog Hill be explained other important resource called El Teide which was declared World Heritage in 2010 by UNESCO .Forever Tenerife has been characterized by this resource. In the study of this volcano, I have added other resources as for example “The Refuge of el Teide” one of the most important endemic species of the Canaries known as the “Wallflower of El Teide”moreover the third highest mountain of the Canaries called “Guajara mountain” “The mines of San José” characterized by its spectacular landscape and others.
página web:
sábado, 4 de abril de 2009
Montaña de Guajara

Desde mi punto de vista esta montaña junto con el pico del Teide son los recursos más importantes de Tenerife y de las islas porque es la tercer cumbre más elevada de las islas Canarias. Esta montaña tiene un valor de historia y de leyenda porque tiene el nombre de una princesa Guanche. Esta montaña es muy accesible al mismo tiempo que el pico del Teide y la gente puede acceder hasta ella caminando puesto que es una de las principales montañas en las rutas de senderismo en la isla.
Guajara Mountain
From my point of view this mountain together The Teide´s top are the most important resources of Tenerife and of the islands because it are the third highest top of the Canaries. This mountain has got a value of History and legend because it has got the name of a Guanche princess. At the same time that The Teide´s top this mountain is very accessible and the people can access to this mountain walking because it is one of the main mountains in the routes of trekking in the island.
mapa: http://maps.google.es/maps?hl=es&q=El%20teide&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
página web: http://www.turismoruralyaventura.com/DepAven.asp?cod=9
LLanos de Ucanca

Los Llanos de Ucanca son recursos naturales paisajísticos y se caracterizan por el paisaje lávico que presentan. Hoy en día es un lugar de tipo complementario, y no se puede acceder hasta él, aunque su accesibilidad es buena y puede ser visitado en el horario en el que el Parque está abierto. Una de sus características más importantes es la niebla que cae encima de ellos.
Ucanca Plains
These are natural resources and they are characterised by the landscape of lava .Now a days these Plains have got a complementary access, and it is prohibited to come to them. However they are very accessible and they can be visited all the day in the timetable of the Park. One of their most important characteristics is the fog which falls on them.
These are natural resources and they are characterised by the landscape of lava .Now a days these Plains have got a complementary access, and it is prohibited to come to them. However they are very accessible and they can be visited all the day in the timetable of the Park. One of their most important characteristics is the fog which falls on them.
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